Pitta dosha is responsible for one’s ability when it comes to digestion. It’s mainly responsible for the digestion power and ensures that it doesn’t exceed its limits. It is composed of fire and water elements. Pitta has majorly been associated with summer. Some of its characteristics entail hot, sharp, light and oily. People with pitta are also always very energetic, quite intelligent, driven and intense.


The digestion for this type of individual is usually solid. Their appetite is on a high as well. Because of heightened levels of hunger that they are likely to experience, this makes them highly irritable or hypoglycemic. And since they tend to be hot and oily, they try staying away from oily, spicy and foods with an intense smell. However, some tastes can balance the pitta, which is: bitter, astringent and sweet.

The sweet foods must be in natural forms like sweet fruits, sweet potatoes, dairy and wheat. For the stringent foods, they may consume apples, legumes, pomegranate and cranberries. For the bitter foods, on the other hand, the burdock root, eggplant, turmeric, cumin and green vegetables are ideal. Extremely sour, pungent and salty foods should be avoided by the Pita types since they are heating most of the time. Three meals and controlled snacks a day are encouraged.


Pitta types love it when things are in order. They tend to wake before the sun is out and do their workouts before it’s too hot. Some of the sports they indulge in include yoga. If they need abhyanga, light oils like coconut oil are encouraged once a week. Another routine that the pitta adores is salt baths seasoned with herbs like rose or lavender herbs.


Because of high levels of heat, it leads to irritability, frustration and criticism. To ensure that they are balanced, a combination of cold, smooth, heavy, bland and dry needs to be employed. Meditation, yoga, herbs and cooling foods tend to soothe the pitta type.

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"Knowledge of Ayurveda made my life harmonious and full-fledged. For over 10 years I was trying to recover the women’s health and dreamed about having a child. Traditional treatment methods could not help me. I was lucky to meet Tetiana . In just 1.5 years, Ayurveda became my lifestyle, and very soon, I have received my long-awaited gift – a son."

A.C. -- Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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